Heat Pumps

Your Source for the Installation, Repair & Maintenance of Heat Pumps

Tremendous gains have been made in performance and efficiency for all HVAC products, but heat pumps may be leading the way. Many homeowners are used to the older systems that produced barely-warm air, and switched to expensive electric backup heat as colder weather approached. The new variable-speed technology has provided heat pumps with the ability to heat effectively into the teens, and Carrier’s Infinity and Greenspeed systems are leading the way.

Heat pumps are also an effective combination with your oil furnace. Replace your air conditioner with a heat pump and an optimizer control, then use the heat pump economically until lower temperatures automatically kick in the warm-oil backup.

A heat pump is essentially an air conditioner with the ability to reverse, sending the warmth to the inside and the cold to the outside — simple technology that is now providing some of the best advances of the day.

Contact Us Today

The professionals of Thomas J. Fannon & Sons have years of experience in installing, repairing, maintaining and replacing heat pumps for Northern Virginia homeowners. Call us today at (703) 549-5700 or contact us online for more information about these efficient systems.