Categories: hvac

Get Your HVAC System Ready for the Cooler Months

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, it’s a sure sign that cooler months are on the horizon. With winter approaching, it’s essential to prepare your HVAC system to ensure it operates efficiently. Here are some tips to help you keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the colder season.

Schedule a Professional Inspection

One of the first and most crucial steps in preparing your HVAC system for winter is to schedule a professional inspection. An HVAC technician can assess your system’s condition, clean and lubricate critical components, and identify any issues that need attention. Regular maintenance helps prevent breakdowns during the winter, when you rely on your heating system the most.

Replace or Clean Air Filters

Dirty or clogged air filters can reduce your HVAC system’s efficiency and affect your indoor air quality. Replace disposable filters or clean reusable ones regularly, ideally every one to three months. This simple task can significantly improve airflow and reduce strain on your system.

Check the Thermostat

Ensure your thermostat is functioning correctly. If you have a programmable thermostat, set it to lower the temperature when you’re not at home or at night when you’re sleeping. This can help you save on energy costs without sacrificing comfort.

Seal Leaks and Insulate

Inspect your home for drafts and seal any gaps or leaks around windows, doors and vents. Proper insulation in your attic, walls and floors can also prevent heat loss, making your HVAC system’s job easier and reducing heating bills.

Clean and Unblock Vents

Check all vents and registers in your home to ensure they are not blocked by furniture, curtains or other obstacles. Vacuum or dust them to remove any debris that might impede airflow.

Clear the Outdoor Unit From Debris

If you have an outdoor HVAC unit (common in central air systems), make sure it’s free of debris such as leaves, branches and dirt. A clean outdoor unit allows for better heat exchange and improves efficiency.

Test Your Heating System

Before the cold weather sets in, test your heating system to make sure it’s working correctly. Turn on your furnace or heat pump and listen for any unusual noises. If you notice any issues, call a trusted ductless split systems technician for repairs.

Get Help From HVAC Professionals

Thomas J. Fannon & Sons has the expertise to take care of heat pumps and air conditioners. Give us a call at (703) 549-5700 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment. We serve homeowners in and around Alexandria, VA.

Thomas Fannon

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