Categories: indoor air quality

4 Ways an Air Purifier Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

You might think that staying indoors to avoid outdoor pollution is effective, but studies have shown the air you breathe in your home can be two to five times more polluted than outside air. From tobacco smoke to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), indoor pollution can have a major impact on your family’s health. 

Fortunately, a home air purification system can help improve indoor air quality. This system removes air pollutants to help your home be cleaner and healthier. Thomas J. Fannon & Sons share four ways air purifiers improve indoor air quality.

1. Keeps Indoor Air Clean

Most air purification systems use HEPA filters that can trap everything, from small insects to harmful allergens. They can even eliminate up to 99% of the common flu virus as well as mold and bacteria growth that is likely present throughout your home. Remember, excess moisture indoors can lead to serious air quality concerns. To eliminate microbial issues in your home brought by high humidity, you should consider investing in an air purifier for your home. 

2. Eliminates Bad Odors

Some air purifiers trap airborne contaminants and rid odors from around your home. Whether it is tobacco smoke or smells coming from your kitchen, the device can eliminate them effectively as they do for allergens.

3. Slows Down Dust Buildup

Dust can consist of dirt, pollen, dead skin, and other airborne particles. Aside from being unsightly, it can trigger asthma reactions. With a quality air purification system, dust buildup is significantly reduced. During the first two to three weeks after installing your air purifier you will see more dust on surfaces. This is because your purification system is removing the excessive amount existing in the air. After the break-in period, rest assured that dust starts to disappear. 

4. Reduces Pet Dander

Having furry friends is fun, but it also means dealing with the dander they leave behind indoors. It is an airborne substance that can be an annoying allergy trigger for family members with respiratory issues. Although your HVAC system’s air filter should remove some pet dander from your home, you need an air purifier to tackle the rest. Air purifiers also get rid of pet odors. Over time, you won’t even know by smell if the litter box needs cleaning. 

At Thomas J. Fannon & Sons, we offer a range of air purifiers, humidifiers, and whole-house dehumidifiers designed to maintain optimal indoor air quality. Say goodbye to indoor pollution, and hello to healthy, clean air. Call us today at (703) 549-5700, or fill out our online contact form to set an appointment. 

Thomas Fannon

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