Categories: hvac

Why are Oil-Fired Water Heaters a Great Choice?

Is your current water heater reaching the end of its service life? Do you frequently run into issues with it delivering less water than usual? You might have a difficult time finding the best water heater replacement, but we’ll tell you that oil-fired water heaters are the way to go. In this post, your fuel oil expert, Thomas J. Fannon & Sons, shares why oil-fired water heaters are a great option.

Consistent hot water

Many conventional water heaters take a certain amount of time to produce water at the correct heat, regardless if it’s for showering or dishwashing. If you belong to a household that consumes a lot of hot water, you might lack the time to wait for the unit to refill the hot water. 

If you’re using a oil-fired unit, you’ll be pleased to know that it has a high recovery rate that goes over the home’s daily usage rate. HVAC repair experts reckon that the average household consumes around 64 gallons of water per day, while the equipment can recover between 76-78 gallons a day, which means that an oil-fired heater can meet your daily needs.

Cheaper operation and maintenance costs

Oil-based water heaters are pricier to install upfront compared to conventional water heaters. However, once you get it up and running, you’ll find that you’ll see more savings in the long run with them. Keep in mind that oil-fired heaters are durable and long-lasting, making them a great long-term investment. Your HVAC maintenance contractor will also tell you that they’re far more energy-efficient and easier to maintain  compared to other heating units.

Trust in Thomas J. Fannon & Sons. Our mission is to provide you with quality service and workmanship to ensure that you stay warm and comfortable. We can also help improve your home’s indoor air quality and cater to your water heater needs. Call us now at (703) 549-5700 or fill out our contact form.

Thomas Fannon

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